Supports Manual Saves?: Yes, 10 Manual Save Slots and 5 Autosave Slots.
All places containing collectibles can be revisited, Side Quests can still be done after the story.
Free-Roam after Story?: Yes, can free roam everywhere after the story.
PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes with PS5 Deluxe Edition, No with PS5 Standard & PS4 Standard Edition.
There is Autopop from PS4 to PS5 but not from PS5 to PS4.
PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: There is Save Transfer from PS4 to PS5, but not from PS5 to PS4.
Minimum Playthroughs: 1 full 100% completion playthrough (~60-75 hours) + 3 partial playthroughs (~2 hours each) to get the trophies for reaching Map Chamber with each house.
Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on the easiest difficulty “Story”.
For Good Samaritan, it can happen that some side quests can bug out which makes it impossible to complete all side quests (this is rare, for majority of players all quests work fine).
Glitched trophies: 2 trophies can have issues but are obtainable – Collector’s Edition still has reports of bugging despite Patch 1.04 supposedly fixing it (works for some people but not for others), also Conjurations and Traits required for this trophy can bug out.
Number of missable trophies: 4 – the trophies for reaching the Map Chamber with each of the four houses are mutually exclusive, can only get one per playthrough because the house can’t be changed, must do partial playthrough for each house (trophy unlocks ~2 hours into the game): The Toast of the Town, The Auror’s Apprentice, The Gryffindor in the Graveyard, The Wise Owl.
Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60-80 hours.